Bocas Del Toro, Panama (and why you should travel while you’re a student)

Bocas Del Toro, Panama (and why you should travel while you’re a student)

In the third week of the quarter in January, I made an uncharacteristically irresponsible decision to go on a surf trip to panama with a massive group of friends. I was really nervous to go. I told both of my professors I would be absent for a full week (and then a full week later [...]

An honest account of my first quarter of graduate school

An honest account of my first quarter of graduate school

It was the 6am bus ride to school everyday that gave me the dose of reality I needed. Standing on the corner, hoping the bus wouldn't be too late, looking into the headlights on Sepulveda, I realized how lucky I was to be going to school at UCLA, living in Culver City, and commuting to [...]